First Graders just finished an exciting math project with the help of Mrs. Kress, Mrs. Galante and Mrs. Mangiacotti! First, Mrs. Galante read us a math book called "How Many Legs", which is a book about number combinations. First graders worked on the rug with whiteboards and markers to solve the math problems on each page. Then, Mrs. Kress introduced a new app on the iPad called My Story and told first graders all about their special project! After, first graders went back to their desks to work on drafting their own page for our class version of "How Many?". All the teachers circulated the room to check-in with friends to see how their page was coming along. Finally, Mrs. Kress worked with all the students to create their picture on MyStory and record the words that they wrote. They had a great time working on this project and we hope you enjoy their hard work!
Thank you again to Mrs. Kress, Mrs. Galante and Mrs. Mangiacotti for all their hard work:)!